You are here: Gaming > Aristocrat > Install & Configure Oracle ODBC

Install & Configure Oracle ODBC

Go here and download the file.


Open the Oracle OBDC Installation file and press ‘Next’.



Select the first option ‘Oracle Data Access Components for Oracle Client’ and press ‘Next’.



Select a location for the ODBC to be installed.



Once the location has been decided press ‘Next’.



Don’t change any settings and press ‘Next’ to install all the components.



Press ‘Next’ to skip this selection.



Press ‘Next’ to skip this selection.



Press the ‘install’ button to install the required components.



The installation will proceed.



Once the installation has completed you can press ‘Exit’.



Press ‘Yes’ to confirm.



Copy the tnsnames.ora file into the location you selected for the install.

Edit the file in Notepad to add the IP address of the Aristocrat Server.



If you are running 32-bit Windows, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)

If you are running 64-bit Windows, run from command: C:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe



Go to System DSN > Add.



Scroll down until you find ‘Oracle in OraClient 11g_home1’ and press ‘Finish’.



Enter the following details:

Data Source Name – S7S

Description – System 7000 PRIME

TNS Service Name – S7S




Press the ‘Test Connection’ button. Enter the ‘Password’ and press OK.

Password is usually POSCON unless otherwise specified.



A message will display if you have a successful connection.